Degree of complexity

Difficulty of use and degree of programme complexity 

The classification presented below summarises two characteristics of our programmes: the difficulty of use, i.e. the degree of advancement in information technology required from the user, and the degree of development of a certain programme, i.e. how complex it is. Please note that a complex program does not necessarily have to be difficult to use and vice versa – a program that is a basic tool does not imply that it is easy to use. 



Degree of
operation difficulty

Degree of  programme 


dodać opis 

A simple text classification tool

dodać opis 

A tool for comparing the linguistic features of corpora

Categorial syntactic-semantic parser for Polish

The database of the most frequent collocations (PL/ANG)

Web-based text corpus management system

A tool for detecting foreign language interjections in the text

dodać opis 

An open-source corpus search engine of the Polish language

A tool for processing literary texts

A tool for extracting multi-word collocations from corpora and for creating dictionaries of lexical units

dodać opis 

Tools for recognizing named entities and temporal expressions in various languages

dodać opis 

A parallel corpus of Polish-English and English-Polish translations amd search engine

Narzędzie analizy składniowej zdań w języku polskim

The implemented LFG grammar of Polish

A tool for improving text punctuation

A tool for extracting keywords in the text

A tool for determining the sentiment of short texts

dodać opis 

A simple tagger, parser and a tool for recognizing named entities

A tool for identifying spatial relations in Polish texts

Services for speech processing

Services for speech processing

A search engine for Polish conversational data

A tool for summarising texts

dodać opis 


dodać opis 


dodać opis 

dodać opis 

A tool used for topic modeling

dodać opis 

dodać opis 

dodać opis 

Narzędzie do wyznaczania podobieństwa i grupowania tekstów

dodać opis 


dodać opis 

dodać opis 

dodać opis 

A tool for word sense disambiguation

A tool for the analysis of emotional overtone

How to understand the indications in the table?

  • Difficulty of use

  • The degree of programme complexity

Degree of complexity

basic (requires no programming skills or knowledge of NLP technologies)

Degree of complexity

a basic tool (specialised tasks, usually single-functional)

Degree of complexity

medium (requires no programming skills, requires basic knowledge of NLP terminology and standards)

Degree of complexity

an application (specific research task for automatic text analysis, often multifunctional)

Degree of complexity

difficult (requires no advanced programming skills, requires advanced knowledge and experience in NLP)

Degree of complexity

a database (collected digital data describing language, its use or machine processing)

Degree of complexity

expert (the programme is intended only for developers and IT specialists)

Degree of complexity

a set of tools (various individual tasks on a common topic or communication channel)

This compilation is an attempt to meet the requirements of the users who are aware of their IT skills and who would like to use the programmes offered within the CLARIN-PL infrastructure on their own. At the same time, we want to stress out that services and applications available at the webservice have a user-friendly interface, which somewhat limits the possibilities of the tools. Their full use or customisation may require assistance from a developer or IT specialist. Services on the webservice should be treated as advanced demonstration versions. Feel free to contact us if you encounter any problems. We will be more than happy to help!