Management and Trading monitoring and commissioning tools; self-learning systems for optimised management; optimisation tools for energy management based on “dynamic energy profiles” of buildings and other network nodes; forecasting algorithms). Actions to provide scale 5 “The Green Network” (See potential actions) Establish ‘The Green Network’ as a means to mobilise relevant stakeholders to deliver large scale smart refurbishment of city districts to maximise energy efficiency achievements. #3 Upgrade existing stock. Business models; Integrated planning; knowledge sharing, 6 Smart Materials & Solutions Develop and deploy smart materials and solutions for lighting, heating, cooling and electricity systems as well as infrastructure for electric vehicles in public (streets, open spaces, buildings) and private spaces. #2 Building blocks for common challenges. 7 New zero energy developments (See potential actions) Develop and deploy innovative solutions at large scale for zero-energy new districts and zero-energy new buildings. #2 Building blocks for common challenges. Business models; integrated planning; Integrated infrastructure 2.2.1 Potential Action 1: Integration of a scalable design and multi-criteria toolkits for existing and new near to zero buildings and districts Context Integration of scalable design and multi-criteria is one of the key actions needed in creating future low carbon cities. Co-creation platforms including specified sub-platforms, decision tools (simulation, visualization/virtualization, open data/information platforms) and living labs in order to increase the level of awareness, increase inhabitants’ involvement in planning and implementation process, activate social communities, increase production of energy within the district (by prosumers), and increase provision of information intensive energy services. This integrated toolkit should enable multi-stakeholder analyses of different spatial and domain perspectives as integrated ecosystems (addressing integration of renewable energy sources, global performance and life-cycle assessments, sustainability assessment, and visualization of impacts). Interoperability with operational systems actually in use is essential for take-up. Integration/Creation of digital platforms for integrated multidisciplinary collaborative design and planning (co-simulation and optimization of complex interactions in different domains, virtual environments for viewing and commenting designs, e-learning applications, user-oriented cognitive data visualisations). Goals The goal is to develop a toolkit for existing and new close to zero energy buildings and districts that integrates and connects different assessment, solutions and design tools and, in addition creates different “views” for results and visualizes them. The platform also enables multi stakeholder analyses of cities as integrated ecosystems. The purpose of the toolkit is to give a more holistic view and solution of the different perspectives of city/district design. Deliverables i. A Toolkit: Different existing/near-to-market tools, highlighting their main functions and target group/users ii. Additional tools and data collected, developed and integrated into the toolkit iii. Interfaces between different tools and possibilities to connect / integrate tools have been reviewed, adapted and implemented iv. Proof of value, through use of the integrated toolkit in existing and new districts, to support co-creation, multidisciplinary design, and assessment of multiple solutions and materials, or operation of a district/city. Preconditions Such initiatives require input from a number of actors. The principal ones being: . City Authorities: active engagement on providing data and platform . Private firms and public utilities: engagement in the process . standardisation: CEN CENELEC, integration and data interfaces . Research Organisations: initial tool screening, development and co-creation with all stakeholders, dissemination activities Methods and details of implementation An outline of work could include: . Phase 1: Review of existing tools o Review and select the most commonly used tools o Analyse the existing tool (user target groups, main input and output values) o Check the gaps and develop/collect ‘missing’ data (e.g. materials, technologies) o Review of the interfaces of different tools and possibilities to connect/integrate tools . Phase 2: Integration of tools o Selection of the most promising sets of tools to integrate o Starting the integration cases o Testing the integration in “labs” . Phase 3: Pilot cases o Selection of pilot cases o Support for pilot cases o Monitoring of the process o Feedback and possible fine-tuning . Phase 4: Dissemination and progress reports o Making results available on a national and European level . Phase 5: Wide scale implementation in member states o Development of national frameworks for continuous work to implement integrated tools for district and city planning and operation Monitoring The relevant information should be publicly available to help the wide spread of information and benefits of integrated tools. Progress should be monitored and published to help the wide dissemination and adaptation. Early adopters can in such way serve as example to other cities facing similar challenges and conditions. 2.2.2 Potential Action 2: Develop auditing tools/systems and development of framework on measured variables for existing as well as new buildings and districts. Context To evaluate the decisions made in the city strategy it is essential to assess and measure the performance of cities and districts. The main purpose is to give cities feedback and to help them to increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions without compromising citizen's well-being. Goal: Develop an integrated holistic auditing tool by collecting and fine-tuning existing auditing tools/systems and decide on what to measure that can be used for evaluation in cities. Define certification criteria for data and information on CO2, energy use, gas use, water use, etc. using as much as possible existing criteria. The criteria should include also risk and economic factors. All developed tools should be scalable in such way that both big and small cities can use them easily. Tools need reliable data (see section open data). Deliverables i. Definition of the measured data (data and data transfer standards) ii. Definition of the criteria for the data (accuracy and availability) iii. Methods to audit iv. Framework for the auditing tools and integration of existing tools Preconditions The principal stakeholders are: . Cities: Cities have wide data, it is crucial that data is available for auditing without compromising privacy . Energy utilities and other data owners: data availability is important . Key stakeholders (public, private, civil) collaborate and commit to follow common principles/ goals and data availability without compromising privacy or companies business models . standardisation: CEN CENELEC . Stakeholder engagement . Research Organisations Methods and details of implementation An outline phasing of work could include: Phase 1: Data definition . Definition of the key data needed for monitoring and auditing based on existing tools/integration of existing tools and data availability . Criteria for the data accuracy and availability, taking into account privacy issues . Check the gaps and define the extra needed data. For example data on technologies, materials and other solutions. Phase 2: Define the way to audit and integrate methods Phase 3: Set-up monitoring and pilot Phase 4: Evaluation, dissemination of lessons learned . Evaluation of audited/measured districts and cities. Documenting lessons learned and feedback and further development of auditing/monitoring Phase 5: Roll out Monitoring As a first indicator, the number and size of audited districts/cities should increase. Ultimately, the goal of a test ground is to roll out successfully concepts on a larger scale. This should be used as criterion for success. 2.2.3 Potential Action 3: The Green Network of large scale (deep) refurbishment of city districts for energy efficiency Introduction Context Although solutions for refurbishment based on innovative and existing materials and products (including green solutions), new lighting, heating and cooling systems and combinations of these, may appear more traditional, they nevertheless play a crucial role in the enormous European renovation and energy efficiency challenge. Industries involved in developing solutions for renovation and energy efficient/positive buildings have invested massively in this topic for many decades. Sharing this knowledge more directly with regions, cities, architects, urban planners and other stakeholders, will create even more sustainable customer focused solutions. It is also by adapting to a typology of buildings that the best combination of available solutions (from materials to ICT) will for efficient implementation and guarantee the best results for each individual case. Moreover adapting to the typology and specific characteristics of districts makes optimisation of energy efficiency solutions at district level possible, could lead to better, combined solutions in the public and private space and will create scale. Investing in refurbishment of buildings and districts can produce added value for owners and occupants and for the whole city. Comprehensive refurbishment, integrating optimised energy efficiency, comfort and usage concepts, can improve the district through improved comfort while preserving the historical heritage of buildings (where applicable), the renewal and revitalisation of abandoned areas. Possible wider socioeconomic impacts include increased quality of life and city/district attractiveness and local job creation. At the same time, negative impacts such as excessive costs and increases in rents must be avoided. There are many EU and national policies and directives that point out the need for deep renovation. And through this action - ‘the green network’- these targets could be reached more easily, because of the joint effort between industry, cities and the other involved stakeholders. Goal One of the major challenges for this action is the up scaling of these solutions. Although there are many small scale pilots to test, there are still hurdles that prevent scaling up. One of these hurdles is the sometimes long time to market, due to the many steps in the value chain for several sectors. The goal of this action is therefore to bridge these gaps and to tackle the huge European renovation challenge, starting with the building envelope itself. In doing this, the action focuses on what hurdles need to be taken away and how this can be done most effectively in order to create critical mass. Deliverables By 2020 a large scale (deep) refurbishment program across Europe, contributing significantly to achieving and exceeding the targets of the Covenant of Mayors, the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2010/31/EU) has been carried out in various geographical areas in Europe. The refurbishment projects cover private and public, residential and non-residential buildings. They have tested a smart combination of affordable and user-friendly solutions, materials, products and technologies using an integrated approach. The Network may also connect existing projects to this action. Sub deliverables: i. Diagnosed potential at city level (should do and can do) The initiative has provided a ‘living lab environment’ to further develop, test, improve and implement pan-European integrated modelling and diagnosis methods and frameworks for low carbon districts and buildings, where also the reduction of the embedded energy of the solution, material or technology and a validated analysis of lifecycle energy use are taken into account. The energy efficient renovation needs and potential at city level should use as far as possible existing tools, for instance assessments made in the framework of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) under the Covenant of Mayors. ii. Market challenge Through this action new (combinations of) replicable solutions, materials and products have been tested and facilitated market uptake and rollout. The large scale renovation projects under this action should have made them more accessible and affordable. iii. Adapting solutions to local circumstances: Renovation projects have been be part of overall urban planning and energy planning and through this served as a ‘living lab environment’ for (some of) the actions in the horizontal priority ‘Integrated Planning’. For instance, they could be integrated with a city’s Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) under the Covenant of Mayors. iv. Energy challenge The energy efficiency contribution of a combination of solutions indoors as well as outdoors (neighbourhood/infrastructure) has been tested, as well as its contribution to reducing energy demand at a large scale and its role in the city’s energy system. Energy demand can now be forecasted and balanced more effectively. The right incentives are in place: Financial and procurement challenge Large scale renovation projects require sound cost-benefit analysis and financing models that distribute risks fairly and take into account life-cycle costs. Under this action, financing models have been developed and tested to ensure replication is it within Europe or beyond. Work on innovative financing schemes should continue, and existing models such as Energy Performance Contracting are applied more widely where this is useful. New ways of (functional) procurement and risk sharing mechanisms have been developed and are made available. v. Training and educational challenge A significant number of local employees, including civil servants, urban planners, builders and craftsmen have been trained to the latest standards, to be able to design, use and apply new technologies, sustainable, resource efficient materials and products in the build envelope. Stakeholders directly involved in renovation, such as construction companies, architects, suppliers of materials and equipment, work together to set up appropriate training programs to ensure the quality of the renovation program. vi. Local/regional economic employment challenge The renovation program has provided, through commitment of all stakeholders involved, jobs to local and regional employees, through local/and or regional contracting where possible. This has been facilitated by information and capacity building for local authorities on relevant legal issues, in particular pre-commercial and green public procurement (PCP and GPP), public procurement for innovation (PPI) and questions of state aid. What do the proposals in this action contain? Combine Proposals engaging in this action cover a combination of renovation technologies, materials and products used in the built envelope such as: . Heating, cooling, and ventilation technologies . Materials and products used in buildings, inside as well as outside, such as high performance insulation solutions and (surface) materials like coatings and materials and solutions which , for example, interact with lighting and heating and cooling technologies and/or can store/absorb and release energy or heat, etc. . Green roofs, facades, open spaces, colours and other solutions to reduce the ‘heat island’ effect. . Lighting technologies – both indoor as well as outdoor. . Multi-building solutions Align with existing plans Renovation projects are part of overall urban planning and energy planning. For instance, they could be integrated with a city’s Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) under the Covenant of Mayors. This includes the analysis of the existing building stock and its energy performance. Integrate technologies Proposals are, where applicable, to combine one of the following technologies and solutions, with the renovation technologies (mentioned under 1.) in their refurbishment program: . Smart meters to monitor energy use and savings and support selling energy to the grid. . Technologies to store and release energy from, for example, electric vehicles and solar charged lampposts and/or share energy with other buildings in the district and lower the total energy use and costs for its inhabitants. . Renewable energy and energy management technologies. Share and contribute Partners are willing to contribute data/open data and contribute to the development and improvement of diagnosis and modelling instruments or tools and share knowledge. Train and employ/contract local/regional All stakeholders involved are being committed to train, employ and contract locally/regionally. Provide scale Projects cover a minimum amount of m2 and/or dwellings since the initiative is about large scale refurbishment. The minimum size of a project depends largely on the elements of it and the local conditions. However, it is central that the pilot project is designed in such a way that it cannot only be replicated but also up scaled easily. Preconditions Industry Stakeholders: . Industry (materials, technology, products, energy, ICT) provide knowledge, technologies and materials, engage with educational organizations to develop and execute trainings and offer support. They are expected to engage in local/regional collaborations and employment. . Construction companies are a natural partner in renovation. These partners provide knowledge, support, etc., engage with educational organizations to develop and execute trainings. They are expected to engage in local/regional collaborations and employment. . Architects Financial stakeholders . Regional and national financial institutions and investors, as well as the EIB, depending on the content of and the partners in the project, could work on innovative financing tools to co- develop with the major stakeholders a financial model to tackle the huge renovation challenge at large scale. Governmental stakeholders . Cities, in their role as public procurers, with their own engineering and support services, urban planners, as well as in the role of brokers that can help bring together relevant stakeholders. . The Commission and Member States should coordinate different EU funding sources with each other, for instance the implementation of structural funds and their OIPs with other EU funding sources such as Horizon 2020. Information and capacity building on pre-commercial procurement for local authorities should be supported by the EU. Citizens . Citizens are a natural partner in the renovation challenge, not only because of the influence of their behaviour, but also because of the fact that they live in the buildings renovated, and a healthy, comfortable living environment is crucial for them. SME Local/regional stakeholders . Social Housing companies, real estate owners and developers, local and regional SME’s (employers), educational organizations (that develop and execute training programs). Furthermore local/regional job agencies to search appropriate staffing for execution. Academic and/or research technology organisations (RTOs) stakeholders . They are to support in the assessment of the retrofitting potential in cities and districts, analyse the optimal mix of measures together with up-scaling potential, monitor lessons learned, knowledge broking, testing and animate, coordinate and analyse the actions. And offer support in assessments, evaluations and certification. Other Stakeholders . The stakeholder platform or a kind of platform could fulfil the role of combining cities with a renovation challenge to this initiative under the EIP Smart Cities and Communities umbrella. . The Covenant of Mayors Office could be invited to disseminate the best practices and innovative solutions implemented under this action to increase replication, for instance through webinars and other capacity building activities. Methods and details of implementation Large project parts: 1. Training: develop, test, implement and monitor 2. Financial model: check, identify, develop, test and implement 3. Identify cities/large scale areas to be renovated/ identify what’s already in place/going on and connect those initiatives. 4. Support replication An outline phasing of the work includes: . Phase 1: Identification . Phase 2: Preparation and small scale testing of models . Phase 3: Implementation . Phase 4: Monitoring and dissemination Monitoring The monitoring focuses on three areas: 1. Reduction of Energy used and GHG emissions per euro spend 2. Sustainability of the investment and economic growth Payback time of the investments, sustainability of the investment (< 10 years/or low maintenance), increased local value creation at the project scale and the ratio between privately invested € and in public-invested € following 20-20-20 goals. 3. Replication and up scaling The number of initiatives using the new replicable/scalable services/concepts in other cities. 2.2.4 Potential Action 4: Large scale deployment of zero energy new districts and zero energy new buildings Context Since buildings last several decades, it is not only essential to find energy efficient, low carbon solutions for existing buildings, but for new buildings and districts as well. The major challenge in this action is the scaling up of (new) system solutions and materials and focus at the same time on technical building solutions and building automation as well as smart energy (district/city) networks and energy storages and the interaction with the users. This highlights the importance of holistic solutions at building level as well as district level. Recognizing every city has its different surroundings, it is essential to combine requirements to enable industries to provide solutions that are fit for purpose and at the same time come with reasonable pricing and quality. Goal One of the major goals for this action is the upscaling of the number of zero energy buildings and districts and the solutions, technologies and materials that are on the market. Although there are many small scale pilots to test, there are still hurdles that prevent scaling up. One of these hurdles is the sometimes long time to market, due to the many steps in the value chain for several sectors. The goal of this action is therefore to bridge these gaps and to tackle the European ambition put down in EU policies to increase heavily the number of zero energy buildings and districts (public as well as private building. In doing this, the action focuses on what hurdles need to be taken away and how this can be done most effectively in order to create critical mass. The aim is to improve district level energy efficiency and CO2 reduction, focusing on holistic district planning and integration to existing city structure, (near to market or on the market) building materials, heating and ventilation systems, automation and smart energy networks and energy storages and the interaction with the users. The goal is to give a more holistic view and solution of the different perspectives of city/district design and implementation by integrating systems, and see where the gaps are in respect of technologies, materials and systems. Deliverables 1. Combined knowledge database where different perspectives from all contributions, from materials, ICT, systems, etc. (with data on effectiveness, prize and behaviour) to near or zero energy efficient buildings & districts are gathered and made accessible to all stakeholders involved. 2. From this total offering the most promising(s) combination(s) is/are selected and tested in new built districts in various geographical areas. Preconditions Such initiatives require input from a number of actors. The principal ones being: . Developers, construction companies . Energy utilities . System and component manufacturers . User perspective Methods and details of implementation An outline phasing of work could include: . Phase 1: Integration of systems o Selection of the most promising sets of systems and materials to integrate o Starting the integration cases o Testing the integration in “labs” . Phase 2: Pilot cases o Selection of pilot cases o Support for pilot cases o Monitoring of the process o Feedback and possible fine-tuning . Phase 3: Dissemination and progress reports o Making results available on a national and European level . Phase 4: Wide scale implementation in member states Monitoring The relevant information should be publicly available to help the wide spread of information and benefits of integrated design and construction. Progress should be monitored and published to help the wide dissemination and adaptation. Early adopters can in such way serve as example to other cities facing similar challenges and conditions. Progress monitoring can be done in KPIs like Reduction of CO2 ekv emissions (CO2 ekv/m2/a or CO2 ekv/capita/a), Percentage of primary energy use by local renewable energy generation, number of energy self-sustaining cities or districts in Europe and measuring the citizen well-being with wellbeing index. 3 Priority Area 'Integrated Infrastructures' 3.1 Introduction Significant and as yet insufficiently tapped value is offered by integrating the various existing and new infrastructure networks within and across cities – be they energy, transport, communications or others – rather than duplicating these needlessly. This point applies, both, to active and passive infrastructure. Many such infrastructures are ageing; budgets to replace them are stretched; they are procured and managed ‘in silos’; yet the potential afforded to cities and their customers through new joined-up approaches, exploiting modern technologies is substantial. This is achievable; however it will take sustained commitment from multiple parties to access value. 3.2 Potential Actions Consistent with the spirit and messaging of the SIP, the following table of ideas provides thoughts on how infrastructures of various forms in cities can be improved and exploited in a more integrated way to add value. These are intended to provoke thought, not make specific recommendations. Two examples then follow that dig deeper, seeking to make the potential actions for these areas practical and understandable. # Title Summary Link to SIP Action 1 The “humble lamppost” (See potential actions below) Reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs through implementing e.g. efficient long-lasting lighting; motion-sensing; PV-power. Use lamppost for e.g. WiFi; CCTV (parking, safety etc). Test innovative business models. #1 Infrastructures for visible, early wins. #3 Business models. 2 City Information Platforms (See potential actions) Combine and manage multiple data sources; provide inter- operability and data protocols between city domains (using public + infrastructure data + domain / system data). Basis for operational and decision making improvements. #2 Common architecture. Standards/Protocols. Big/Open Data. 3 Shared infrastructure planning (See potential actions) Systematically exploit synergies between smart grid and broadband infrastructure, including shared engineering works, reuse of passive infrastructures, communications networks, data centres and services. #1 Infrastructures for visible, early wins. #3 Business models Integrated Planning 4 Transforming the Energy Chain Integrated smart grid (renewables + storage + heat pumps + EMS at consumer side). Managing a ‘two-way’ energy chain, balancing demand and supply dynamically between renewable and traditional sources. Link customer into chain as a key actor. #1 Infrastructures for visible, early wins. Sustainable Districts 5 Road systems Mobile ITS (location-based route / travel information + traffic light systems = optimized traffic flow to reduce emissions and energy consumption). Work with traffic management systems and automotive industry to re-use urban sensors deployed in street scenes. Exploit sensors and devices to predict traffic conditions / improve road and traffic management. #1 Infrastructures for visible, early wins. #2 Common architecture. Urban Mobility 6 Intelligent multi-modal transport solutions Use real-time multi-modal info to offer choice, personalise travel, and improve customer experience. Exploit ticketing, social media, routing, vehicle location, and mobile data. More pro-active and predictive use of energy efficient modes. #1 Infrastructures for visible, early wins. Big/Open Data. Urban Mobility