8.2.2 Potential Action 2: Constituency building Context Given the plethora of measurement systems currently in place and the limited availability of any broadly-agreed smart indicator system; there is a significant confusion and lack of confidence in the application of city measurements. There is also generally poor and limited use of quality measurement in smaller cities, and at district level. Goal To build a community of users to go through the whole KPI development and use exercise. This would include actions to boost confidence amongst users, through organising a conference (or similar) to foster the exchange of knowledge and ideas on emerging research topics and best practices in the field of smart cities. Deliverables i. An annual series of European conferences on the smart city indicator system; 1st of which takes place by mid-2015; inviting leading researchers to share the latest approaches and findings in this field ii. Emerging research agenda to sustain quality of indicator facility iii. Dissemination of the results (training package for users, e-learning …). iv. Dissemination of the European knowledge globally. Preconditions - Network: researchers, companies and cities need to be in the same network to ensure meaningful outcomes; - Resources are required for the organization of conferences, for a etc.; - Dissemination partners that help to communicate the message to a wider community. Methods and details of implementation . Create a roadmap of events for the coming years . An information exchange platform could be (re-)used (website, wiki forum or other) . The disseminating package should be created for European and non-European dissemination . For dissemination purposes, online conference proceedings should obviously be published online extensively Monitoring The success of this action can be monitored in several ways: - Number and representativeness of participants. - Repetition rate of the conference (on a yearly basis?) - Feedback from conference participants - Number of downloads of conference proceedings - Number of participants to dissemination events ( trainings …) 9 Priority Area 'Open Data' 9.1 Introduction Real value for cities and their stakeholders from the exploitation of large-scale data (open or not) is a new phenomenon that benefits from an array of new approaches and tools – especially considering the way software automation and information technology are changing the way that value is created in the economy; all in a highly dynamic environment. In this context, the general trend to open public data sources is a theme that underlies this OIP; however recognising that value will require exploitation of a number of different data sources (i.e. beyond just ‘open data’), appropriate to the service area in question. Our ambition is to establish some agile projects that can quickly demonstrate the potential, and point the way for other cities and their partners. 9.2 Potential Actions The table below identifies a (non-exhaustive) number of the potential areas where data (open or big) can be exploited or need more exploration, including: # Title Summary Link to SIP Action 1 Open Data Landscape Develop landscape of City Open Data initiatives. A survey of 1st mover experiences, that captures value delivered (to build confidence of others) All 2 Environmental dynamic Open Data hub (See potential action) Build communities of (cities) data owners and producers publishing their data online. Develop (web) services on top of those data sets made available to end users or integrated in third-party applications #2 accessibility of data Also Priority Areas 'Districts and Built Environment', 'Knowledge Sharing', 'Citizen Focus' and 'Standards' 3 Energy Efficiency Data (See potential action) Use advanced technologies (e.g. thermal infrared cameras) coupled with Open Data sharing at neighbourhood level for energy retrofitting in sub-urban / rural infrastructures #1 open by default #2 accessibility of data #4 interoperability data services Also Priority Areas 'Districts and Built Environment', 'Knowledge Sharing', 'Citizen Focus' and 'Standards' 4 Social Open Data Indicators (See potential action) Develop indicators of social environment, to bring more information concerning social environments to the urban/city decision making process: e.g. 1) using this information as data for computers controlling smart buildings or transportation systems, 2) delivering this information to individuals to improve their decisions #1 open by default Also Priority Areas 'Districts and Built Environment', 'Knowledge Sharing', 'Citizen Focus' and 'Standards' 5 Transport system Build applications on transport data (public transport and #4 interoperability data data apps road traffic data, incl. managing parking spots through sensors) services 6 Civic Engagement Develop civic engagement platforms (participatory budget processes; “Fix my Street” type of applications) #1 open by default 7 City Resource Flows / Tools Implement Resource and Material Flow Analysis in cities; capturing data dealing with a city as a set of integrated systems; develop approaches / tools to optimise systems #2 accessibility of data #4 interoperability data services 8 Data Time Horizon Analysis Evaluate “What Time” City Data – what relative ‘speeds’ of ‘real time’ are appropriate for different services. Assess the most natural time horizons to be of optimal use and value #2 accessibility of data 9 BI / Data Analytics Tools What business intelligence strategies, tools and approaches work best – for city decision support; planning; and operational performance? #2 accessibility of data #4 interoperability data services 10 Open Data Validation models Develop models for Open Data validation (e.g. through rating, or certification if there is a rationale to do so) to ensure high quality open data in a useable form and further increase trust in the use of data, and models for open data ownership and (free or not) access by stakeholders. #1 open by default 11 City Data Roles What roles and capabilities are emerging in cities in relations to data exploitation (e.g. Chief Digital Officer; Data Scientist); and what are experiences telling us? There is an obvious need to make a strong link from data to economic benefits at the local level. Many data initiatives emerge at a city level with the intention of nourishing a community of apps developers that would 'train' themselves with the data made available by that city but with a clear view of acquiring the skills, establishing the business models that would allow them to go beyond the city limits. Open Data hubs must attract users and activity, so that the investment in operating them does result in the creation of new value; this means : 1) to find out what the stakeholders and communities need, rather than to publish all data in anticipation, 2) to focus on making as much data as possible available in some common agreed format, 3) to find ways to address the cost of providing usable data and to invest in making them accessible – to enable value realisation across all (or as many as possible) sectors and stakeholders in cities and communities. 9.2.1 Potential Action 1: Environmental dynamic Open Data hub Context NB: This action exhibits potential natural links with the Districts and Built Environment, Citizen Focus, Knowledge Sharing and Standards Priority areas. Most available open data-sets in the fields of environment and energy are inadequate for advanced applications such as: . Smart Grid services (e.g. demand-response, load shedding scenarios) – data is too often captured too infrequently and not at the right level of granularity; insufficiently shared such that action can be taken in good time to make potential efficiencies; and held by energy providers rather than made accessible for consumers to act on so to improve performance; . Validation and fine-tuning of energy simulation tools; . Accurate energy performance benchmarking and audits of buildings and cities. With the massive roll-out of connected objects and devices, there are fast-growing amounts of potentially available fresh data-sets coming from wireless sensor networks, smart energy meters, vehicle/traffic counters, air quality sensors, weather monitoring stations, etc. This data can benefit a wide community of expert users if made open and accessible by their owners. The aim of this action is to build (most probably local and regional, possibly also national and EU- wide) communities of data owners and producers who will publish online for free their real-time data on an open data hub dedicated to energy (or by extension, environmental) issues. Web services would be developed to allow easy access to dynamic data-sets from the hub and their integration in third-party applications. Contextual data models on the platform should rely as much as possible on existing standards. The action will also strive to demonstrate the relevance of this approach by developing sample services and applications exploiting this data in a smart way with clear added- value. In parallel, the action will monitor and analyse the development of the community, with the intention to make it active and sustainable, thereby finding the mechanisms and incentives to encourage further data owners and producers to join the community. Goal The goal is to demonstrate the added value of releasing dynamic Open Data for environmental applications. The concept falls within the current trend of the Internet of Things, and supports future smart grids and smart cities visions, models and services. The proof of concept is necessary to demonstrate added value services and their benefits. From there onwards, it is likely that the community of data providers will grow naturally, as additional added-value services and applications will become available for the platform users. Deliverable i. Review of existing data platforms; ii. Call for participation (in a pilot territory); iii. Usage and business models survey (motivations, incentives and barriers for making data available). iv. Data hub specifications : web services and data models; v. Data hub implementation, fed with data-sets from recruited volunteers; vi. Hackathon: development of a first set of 3rd party applications exploiting the data. Preconditions . Need to find pioneering volunteers for the proof of concept; volunteers need to accept to make their data-sets available for free: most probably public organisations will play an exemplary role through this action. . Need to address security and privacy issues: it will be necessary to define the appropriate level of details when releasing dynamic data, to anticipate and prevent unwanted applications. Methods and details of implementation . Phase 1 : Rapid Base-Line o Overview of existing environmental static open data platforms (e.g. BPIE data hub); o Overview of existing generic dynamic open data hubs (e.g. Xively); . Phase 2 : Setting up the community o Call for participation: recruitment of a set of volunteers to upload their real-time environmental data on to the platform (ideally a diverse and representative set of data, all grouped around the same pilot territory/city); o Wider survey among data producers to understand motivations and barriers to releasing dynamic Open Data. . Phase 3 : Business models o This phase strives to map the ecosystem of stakeholders and their respective incentives, to find a sustainable model for ensuring the service continuity: business continuity already enters from design stage onwards so as to further guide the specification and development of the hub. . Phase 4 : Developing the dynamic Open Data hub o Web services and data models specifications: interviews with future expert users of those data will be conducted to co-create data formats and APIs. This is to make sure delivered data are easily accessible and exploitable by their future users; o Implementation of the data hub and web portal; o Connection of the first data streams from the volunteers. . Phase 5 : Services o A Hackathon is organised to invite third-party users to develop applications exploiting the dynamic data. (e.g. data visualisation modules, benchmarking applications, decision support tools, etc.) Monitoring Performance evaluation of this action is done through: . Monitoring of the community growth (number of data providers joining the hub); . Monitoring of developed services (number of third party applications exploiting the data hub) 9.2.2 Potential Action 2: Infrared Cameras and Open-Data Sharing at Neighbourhood Level for Energy Retrofitting in (Sub-) Urban Infrastructures Context Note: this action exhibits potential natural links with the Districts and Built Environment, Citizen Focus, Knowledge Sharing and Standards Priority areas. Thermal imaging testing could become an important quality control measures in the renovation of building infrastructure. Heat losses in buildings can account for up to 50% of the total energy consumption and come from air leakage through chimneys, attics, wall vents and badly sealed windows / doors. To identify areas of energy waste, infrared imaging can become a valuable tool in identifying problems related to energy loss, missing insulation, inefficient HVAC systems, radiant heating, water damage on roofs, and much more. This strategy can be particularly effective in sub- urban and rural scenarios where the neighbourhoods are mainly constituted of individual houses: thermography, or thermal imaging, can be applied to energy audits of, both, apartments and individual houses, however the technique is even more effective when performing energy audits of individual houses which are more common in sub-urban or rural areas. A potential scenario can be described as follows: Maria has just moved to a new house located in a medium-sized neighbourhood mainly constituting of individual houses. She would like to identify problems related to energy loss in her new house in order to take corrective action. She is going to use her mobile device with an embedded infrared thermal imaging camera and a corresponding app that collects data and suggests a corresponding corrective action. A thermal imaging camera identifies patterns of heat loss that are invisible to the naked eye. Thermal imaging quickly indicates the air leaks within a property. Maria scans the windows of the house and she finds a number of energy leakages. The app on the mobile device suggests the correct action to solve the problem: in this case replace the window glass with more performing double-glazing. The app lists the available options on the market ordered, say, by lowest price, and also allows to make direct contact with an installation expert to perform the works. It also informs her of other residents that have carried out similar work. The energy data collected by Maria is then shared on a common database of open-data at neighbourhood level such that can be re-used by public authorities as well as citizens for planning their respective corrective actions. System design ensures that users' privacy and anonymity is maintained. The aim of the action is to build an enabling environment – both from a technical and organisational point of view – that allows the creation of rural or sub-urban networks of habitants and stakeholders providing their energy data and related retrofitting work items. Like this, continuous and coherent processes for identification of energy waste in houses and infrastructures can be set up and energy efficiency can be improved, based on the use of innovative technologies that connect to open-data datawarehouse(s) and hub(s). Goals Considerations for Open data are to be thought at level of the “energy status” of the built infrastructures, as well as works done by individuals. The availability of energy data is essential when performing retrofitting actions on infrastructures. A lifetime of a building is long (decades or even centuries), so it is necessary to ensure the flexibility for the new solutions that might occur in the future. The types of communities addressed by this action are typically sub-urban and rural communities, and the stakeholders and beneficiaries are, e.g.: . Inhabitants of the sub-urban/rural district; . Local businesses selling material and devices for energy efficiency in houses and performing related installations. The expected impacts are to improve energy consumption awareness of the community, while at the same time improve energy efficiency of private homes since energy audits and corresponding corrective actions can be performed by individual citizens in a cost effective way. Deliverable i. Review of existing integration models and technologies (open data, system integration, interoperability and standards, virtualisation of the built infrastructures, visualisation of energy use and production …) – with a special focus on integration technologies, such as large databases and software analysis tools, to relate thermal data to energy leakages and suggest the corresponding corrective action; ii. Development of a usage and business model (including motivations, incentives, and barriers for making data available, and consideration for privacy issues); iii. Call for participation of various rural territories (experimentations e.g. through living-lab approaches); iv. Common open-datawarehouses specifications : data models, APIs v. Common open-datawarehouses implementations – based on infrastructures data-sets from recruited rural territories and volunteers (see D3); vi. Set of recommendations and guidelines for generalisation. Preconditions . Need to find pioneering (preferably rural, or in case sub-urban) territories and volunteers for the proof of concept, who will accept to make their data-sets available in a common open- data warehouse; . Need for some behavioural change at level of volunteers, ready to make available (in case under some anonymous formats to be defined) their energy data and works information – potentially relying on some “nudge” or social incentives approach, e.g. neighbouring mutual information, “green” default options, intelligent billposts, etc. (based on Richard Thaler’s book “Nudge : Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness”). . Need to address security and privacy issues: it will be necessary to define the appropriate level of details and access authorisations when releasing the energy and works data. Methods and details of implementation . Phase 1 : Identification of Base-Line o Overview of potential similar initiatives / local platforms; o Overview of existing integration models and technologies ready for customisation or adaptation (e.g. data platforms / hubs for the open-data warehouses) in the application context; o Overview/adaptation or specification of usage and business model(s) - mapping the ecosystem of stakeholders and their incentives to find a sustainable model for ensuring a tangible and continuous operation of the decision-system for energy retrofitting; . Phase 2 : Setting up the experimental territories o Call for participation of various rural territories, with recruitment of sets of volunteers (all grouped in a same pilot territory) to upload their energy data and potential retrofitting work items information in the common open data platform; o Wider survey among data producers to understand motivations and barriers to releasing energy data and works item information; o Preparation of the territory experimentation, e.g. putting in place a living-lab approach based on a continuous participation of all stakeholders form the very start of the definition of the platform and open data warehouse; . Phase 3 : Developing the common open data warehouse(s) o Specification of the data models for energy data and retrofitting work items – through co-creation of data formats and APIs with all the stakeholders. Similarly to action #1, this is to make sure data is easily accessible and exploitable by future users; o Specification and development of the open data warehouse and services hub; . Phase 4 : Deploying the common open data warehouse(s) o Deploying the open data warehouse and hub in territories – taking into account potential specific configurations on data privacy, collection, and management – and as a baseline for recommendations and guidelines for further generalisation; o Feeding the open data warehouses and services hub - based on infrastructures data sets from recruited rural / sub-urban territories and volunteers; o Integration of third-party applications providing and/or exploiting energy data and retrofitting work items (e.g. thermal infrared cameras, data visualisation modules, decision support tools, etc.). Monitoring Performance evaluation of this action is done through the following KPIs: . Monitoring of the number of participating volunteers from rural / sub-urban territories; . Monitoring of data warehouse logs stats (number of incoming requests, data usage analysis, etc.); . Monitoring of the number of third party application integrated. 10 Priority Area 'Standards' 10.1 Introduction A ‘standard’ is a technical specification, adopted by a recognised standardisation body, for repeated or continuous application, with which compliance is, however, not compulsory5 unless mandated by regulation to that effect. 5 Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on European standardisation It is important to remember that standards are not written by “standards professionals” but are the distilled wisdom of people with expertise in their subject matter who are in the know about the needs of the stakeholders they represent; the latter include manufacturers, sellers, buyers, customers, trade associations, users and regulators. The role of a standards developing organisation is to ensure that standards are developed in an open and transparent way, that they are clear and unambiguous, and that they are categorised in a way that makes them easily available for use to those who need them. A standard provides a reliable basis for people to share the same expectations against a product or service and this helps to: . Promote economic growth (competitiveness, facilitating trade); . Provide a framework for achieving economies of scale, related efficiency gains, compatibility as well as interoperability; . Enhance consumer protection and confidence and societal progress at large; . Provide environmental integrity and sustainability. Standardisation provides confidence in the ability to build and deploy smart city applications and infrastructures cost-effectively and within planned timescales. Standards that are developed based on successful smart city projects will provide confidence that these projects can be replicated elsewhere. This will make it easier for industry to develop the right portfolio of products and services, compliant with these standards, and thus enable greater competition and drive down costs. It will also allow applications accessed by citizens (e.g. on smart phones) to be used across cities and to allow progress to be compared, for example, for quality of life and sustainability indicators. The following builds on the Recommended Actions in Section 2.10 of the Strategic Implementation Plan to show how standards can help enabling the applications and infrastructure necessary for smart cities and communities being deployed effectively and supporting integration across distinct city systems. If such applications and infrastructures are to be replicated across different cities in different countries they should not be built from scratch each time but should benefit from experience gained elsewhere. Those standards deemed necessary for facilitating this process should be developed and maintained through an open and transparent process; this means a collaborative, consensus-driven process that is open to participation by all relevant, materially affected parties and not dominated by a single organization or group of organizations. A system as complex and as quickly evolving as a smart city, requires fast, agile and modern standardisation practices. Related, there is a need for different types of standards. This includes informal, de facto standards as well as formal standards developed by standards developing organisations (SDOs). This includes all levels of standards, from business and service definition standards, to vocabulary and semantic standards, and finally also technical ICT or communication standards, the latter being mostly covered by general purpose standards. Some strands of the strategic vision for European standards are of particular relevance for smart cities6: 6COM(2011) 311 final, A strategic vision for European standards: Moving forward to enhance and accelerate the sustainable growth of the European economy by 2020 . Using standards to address key societal challenges . Standardisation and the European single market for services . Standardisation, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and interoperability Standards resulting from this process should be readily available to all interested parties for smart city applications development. In addition, smart city interoperability standards should be developed and implemented internationally, whenever practical, and therefore work on the standards needs to be carried out in collaboration with international standards bodies. 10.2 Potential Actions Standards are enablers for the seamless integration of city systems, functions, applications and services and for the technologies and communications infrastructures underpinning these. For example, they are the enablers for platforms used for the exchange of data between previously different vertical ‘silos’. Examples of actions that could help create a standardised (and therefore replicable) framework for the infrastructure for smart cities include: # Title Summary Link to SIP Action 1 Smart Cities Standards Coordination A CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Smart Cities Coordination group has been set up. This should be extended to involve all relevant stakeholders and consider creating a common technical group to develop necessary standards. #1 Smart Cities Standards Coordination Group 2 Interoperability Framework Develop an interoperability framework for smart city standards including the identification of relevant existing standards and the gaps and overlaps between them. #2 Standards Mapping 3 City Information Platform Interfaces Identify standardisation requirements so that 3rd-party developers can access the data they need (in a trusted and secure way), build and release apps that will work on any platform in any city. This would ensure that citizens moving between European cities will find a common interface to interact with city systems wherever they go and so will make it easier for them to use those services. #3 architecture for city information platforms Integrated Infrastructures 4 M2M Data Exchange standards Identify standardisation requirements for the exchange of smart city data so that data from a wide range of sensors e.g. public transport, connected cars and sensor-based dynamic traffic data can be exchanged and used by a range of applications. #3 architecture for city information platforms Integrated Infrastructures 5 City Level Energy Management and Trading systems Identify standardisation requirements to allow the exchange of energy management data. Renewable energy sources can then be plugged in more easily to create a two-way energy chain that balances demand and supply dynamically, between new alternative sources and #3 architecture for city information platforms Districts and Built Environment traditional (typically hydrocarbon) sources. Integrated Infrastructures 6 Rapid Upgrade of Existing Building Stock Identify standardisation requirements for building construction so that new materials with standardised properties (such as insulation value) can be used effectively while contributing in a transparent way to the building’s EPC. Districts and Built Environment 7 Alternative fuelling infrastructures Identify standardisation requirements to enable the exchange of location information about electric vehicle charging points in public and private spaces so that drivers can locate the right points, and know when they will be able to use it with their current service provider contract #3 architecture for city information platforms Sustainable Urban Mobility priority area 8 Energy assessment and planning at local level Identify standardisation requirements for a consistent set of standards across Europe for energy assessment and planning so to allow cities to be compared. It should be possible to compare different cities on a level playing field and to assess the improvements made in a city over time against common benchmarks. This will provide transparency between the metrics and indicators used in different cities. A common methodology needs to be established for assessing the carbon footprint of a city or project and the identification of best practises that should be applied Baselines and KPIs 9 Standardised metrics and indicators Identify standardisation requirements for metrics and indicators so that different cities can be compared on a level playing field and the improvement made in a city over time can be assessed effectively. This will provide transparency between metrics and indicators used in different cities. An example of a standard required under this action is one for the assessment of social performance of buildings but many other existing standards and gaps are likely to be identified by SSCC-CG. Baselines and KPIs 10 More effective use of public transport Identify standardisation requirements to enable the integration of all forms of public transport, allowing through-/combined ticketing and the support of easier use of different modes of transport. Standards should also enable the exchange of location information about the availability of parking slots at interchanges/hubs and possibly allow for these to be booked. Development of standards for exchanging location information, e.g. data about the availability of parking slots and vehicle charging points. #3 architecture for city information platforms Sustainable Urban Mobility 11 Clean, efficient urban logistics and freight distribution Identify standardisation requirements to enable sustainable city logistics in order to improve quality of life in urban areas, improved access to homes and businesses and the smarter coordination of delivery times. Sustainable Urban Mobility 12 Standardised methodology for research into citizen behaviour Develop a standard method for user research to develop an EU-wide database of citizen behaviour and attitudes toward technology, mobility and energy solutions. Open user research data should be posted on-line and linked to case studies Citizen-Focus 13 City maintenance platforms Identify standardisation requirements for the exchange of city maintenance information, so that citizens can contribute their various observations in real-time, e.g. needs for repairs and development proposals. #3 architecture for city information platforms Integrated Infrastructures 14 Standards Promotion Promotion of the use of standards for smart cities, both within Europe and worldwide, and demonstration of related benefits to stakeholders. #4 Promotion Internationally