

Periphraser – a tool for nominal phrases circumlocution


Periphraser is a tool for storing and presenting knowledge base of conventionalized periphrastic nominal expressions together with their textually attested realizations. For instance, the database entry for the phrase “Robert Lewandowski” in the demo for Polish will include the phrase “słynny na całym świecie polski piłkarz” (‘the Polish international footballer’) while “pediatrics” will be featured as “metody leczenia dzieci” (‘medical care for children’). It allows contacting with database using REST API as well as exporting it to XML or CSV format. For Polish language, it also provides some more complex mechanisms like: automatic semantic and syntactic normalization, errors autodetection (also based on NKJP frequency and amount of results returned by the web browser), and simple interface for commenting and marking possibly wrong entries or ones needing improvement.
