Lexical platform


Lexical Platform – an online search system for the Polish lexicographic sources


Lexical Platform (Pl. Platforma Leksykalna) is an online search system for the Polish lexicographic sources. The tool provides access to lexicographic data about lexemes of interest. Such database can serve as the basis for comprehensive research in the field of broadly understood lexicology. Lexical Platform automatically collects and organizes data from web components, providing information on grammar, collocations, synonyms, ambiguity, translations into other languages – to mention just a few of the available options. This type of database can be used for research on contemporary or historical vocabulary, which may lead to systematic conclusions, e.g. with territorially differentiated lexis, vocabulary from different periods in history, vocabulary from specific semantic fields or on word formation and borrowings.

Depending on the available data for a given lexeme within Lexical Platform, it is possible to explore semantic networks for the lexeme (in the Polish wordnet – Słowosieć), synonyms, collocations, translations into other languages ​​(English and Spanish), variations in appropriate grammatical categories, the way of connecting the lexeme with other lexemes (valency), or semantic transformations based on dictionaries from the 16th and 17th centuries.

Bibliographic address of the main publication (in case of using the Lexical Platform, please cite this publication):

Maciej Piasecki and Tomasz Walkowiak and Ewa Rudnicka and Naskręt, Tomasz and Bond, Francis, The Concept of Lexical Platform, Proceedings of the LDK workshops: OntoLex, TIAD and Challenges for Wordnets, 2017.

Link to the manual

Examples of applications