
Our offer
for Researchers

Comprehensive support package for researchers in the humanities and social sciences


  • Unlimited access to language resources and the repository

  • Unlimited access to natural language processing tools

  • Training in corpus linguistics

  • Collaboration and mentoring in designing and conducting research


  • Unlimited access to language resources and the repository

  • Unlimited access to natural language processing tools


  • Unlimited access to language resources and the repository

  • Unlimited access to natural language processing tools

  • Professional collaboration in popular science activities for e-humanities

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What they say about us

" Współpracujemy z zespołem CLARIN od 2021 roku w ramach projektu naukowego Narodowego Centrum Nauki OPUS „COV-WORK: Świadomość społeczno-ekonomiczna, doświadczenia pracy i strategie radzenia sobie Polaków w kontekście kryzysu post-pandemicznego.” Narzędzia CLARIN-PL umożliwiają nam zbieranie korpusu danych w pakiecie pracy poświęconym medialnemu obrazowi pandemii w sferze pracy. Jesteśmy przekonani, że nasza współpraca to doskonały przykład badań interdyscyplinarnych, o bardzo dużym potencjale poznawczym.

dr hab. Adam Mrozowicki

Chair of the Discipline Council, Faculty of Social Sciences

University of Wrocław, Faculty of Social Sciences

Our Resources

We invite you to explore the resources

Note: the resources are available on separate websites. To access them fully, you need to create an account.

All resources


Korpus KDP-resource-icon

Korpus KDP

DSpace CLARIN-PL-resource-icon



Frequently asked questions about using the CLARIN-PL infrastructure

How much does a consultation on using CLARIN-PL resources to improve research cost?

How much does it cost to participate in training?

When is the next training session?

Can I suggest a topic for training?

Can CLARIN-PL cover travel and accommodation costs for training?

How many resources are part of the CLARIN-PL infrastructure?

How do I navigate the site?

How should I cite a resource used in a scientific publication?

Do you have questions about potential collaboration?

Don't hesitate to contact us.
