Show simple item record Acedański, Szymon 2016-05-30T13:10:40Z 2016-05-30T13:10:40Z 2016-02-29
dc.description Krokodyl is an experimental hybrid deep depencency parser of Polish. Krokodyl has been developed at the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPI PAN) within the CLARIN-PL project. It was create to evaluate a hybrid approach to parsing: combining syntactic, lexical and semantic features for dependency parsing. It uses a number of tools as components of the feature generation chain, namely the Spejd Grammar, MALT parsing engine, MATE, the Polish Wordnet, the Skladnica treebank.
dc.language.iso pol
dc.publisher Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
dc.subject syntax
dc.subject Polish
dc.subject dependency parsing
dc.title Krokodyl: A hybrid depencency parser of Polish
dc.type toolService
metashare.ResourceInfo#ContentInfo.detailedType suiteOfTools
metashare.ResourceInfo#ResourceComponentType#ToolServiceInfo.languageDependent true
hasMetadata true
has.files no
branding CLARIN-PL
contact.person Szymon Acedański University of Warsaw
sponsor Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) N/A CLARIN-PL nationalFunds
files.size 0
files.count 0

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