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20th-century novels (1)
annotated corpus (7)
annotation guidelines (7)
aparat represji (1)
argument (1)
ASR (1)
Babiš (1)
bank (1)
basic emotions (1)
Belarusian (1)
Benchmarks (1)
biblioteki cyfrowe (1)
bilingual (1)
blog (1)
blogi (1)
blogosfera (1)
blogosphere (1)
books (1)
brand-product (1)
Bulgarian (2)
business it human specification language (1)
C1 essays (1)
cascade dictionary (1)
champion of work (1)
chronological corpus (1)
chunking (1)
coach (1)
colloquial style (1)
conjunction (1)
constitution (1)
consumer opinions (1)
consumer reviews (2)
content analysis (1)
coreference (2)
corpora (6)
corpora annotation (6)
Corpus (1)
corpus (12)
corpus annotation (1)
corpus linguistics (1)
Corpus of Economic News (1)
Corpus with texts (1)
Covid-19 (1)
Creative Commons (1)
DiaBiZ (1)
diachronic (1)
dictionary (2)
discourse analysis (1)
Discourse Dynamic Approach to Metaphor (1)
discussion forum (1)
economy (1)
elections (1)
emotional annotations (1)
emotions (1)
emotive annotation (1)
English-Polish (1)
equivalence (1)
EU (1)
evaluation (1)
event (1)
event mentions (1)
event recognition (1)
events (2)
feminism (1)
feminism feminist (1)
feminist (1)
fiction corpus (1)
football (1)
formal register (1)
free corpus (2)
gaps and mismatches (1)
guidelines (1)
hand checked (1)
history of Poland (1)
history receipes (1)
idiom (1)
iDnes (1)
image (1)
Inference Anchoring Theory (1)
information extraction (3)