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language model (1)
language processing workflows (1)
large (1)
law (1)
league of women (1)
lemmatization (7)
lexical semantics (1)
lexical unit (3)
lexical units (1)
lexical units with emotions (1)
lexicalisation (1)
lexico-semantic relations (8)
lexicography (9)
LFG (5)
Linde dictionary index DjVu djview4poliqarp (1)
Liner2 (5)
linguistic (1)
linguistic landscape (1)
linguistics (2)
linked open data (1)
literary corpus (1)
literatura (1)
literature (52)
literature corpus (1)
Lithuanian (2)
local grammar (2)
lod (1)
LSTM (1)
ludzie (1)
machine learning (1)
manually annotated corpus (4)
Mapping (1)
mapping (7)
meaning representation (2)
media (1)
medieval court oaths (1)
Medieval Latin (1)
message board (2)
metadane (1)
metadata (1)
metaphor (2)
Metaphor Identification Procedure (1)
metaphor identification procedure (1)
mining (1)
mixed register (2)
modality (1)
modality relations (1)
Morawiecki (1)
morpho-syntactic tagging (2)
morphological analysis (1)
morphological generation (1)
MP (1)
multi-word expressions (2)
multi-word lexical units (1)
multi-word phrase inflection (1)
multi-word units (8)
multidomain (1)
MultiEmo (1)
multilevel (1)
multilingual (2)
multilingualism (1)
MWE detection (4)
named entites (1)
named entities (11)
narrative (1)
National Corpus of Polish (1)
natural language processing (1)
nelexicon (1)
NER (4)
news (2)
niepokój (1)
NKJP (1)
NLP (4)
NLP tools (3)
Nominal phrase (1)
nominal phrases (1)
normalisation (1)
novel (2)
novel corpus (1)
novels (1)