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KPWr (3)
kpwr (1)
kpwr ne schema (1)
książki (1)
L1 Polish (2)
L2 English (2)
L3 Norwegian (2)
language (4)
language abstraction (1)
large (1)
law (1)
league of women (1)
lemmatization (5)
lexical semantics (1)
lexical units with emotions (1)
lexicalisation (1)
lexico-semantic relations (4)
lexicography (8)
linguistic (1)
linguistic landscape (1)
linguistics (2)
literary corpus (1)
literatura (1)
literature (2)
literature corpus (1)
Lithuanian (2)
local grammar (2)
lod (1)
LSTM (1)
machine learning (1)
manually annotated corpus (4)
mapping (3)
media (1)
medieval court oaths (1)
Medieval Latin (1)
message board (2)
metadane (1)
metadata (1)
metaphor (2)
Metaphor Identification Procedure (1)
metaphor identification procedure (1)
mining (1)
mixed register (2)
Morawiecki (1)
morpho-syntactic tagging (1)
multi-word expressions (2)
multi-word units (4)
multilingual (1)
multilingualism (1)
MWE detection (1)
named entities (9)
National Corpus of Polish (1)
natural language processing (1)
news (1)
niepokój (1)
NKJP (1)
NLP (1)
NLP tools (1)
novel (1)
novel corpus (1)
novels (1)
null subject (1)
Old Polish (1)
old Polish (1)
Ontology (1)
open license (1)
opis (1)
orthographic transcription of speech (1)
parallel (1)
Parallel Corpora (5)
parallel corpora (1)
parallel corpus (1)
parliamentary data (1)
periphrastic nominal expressions (1)
phonetics (1)
phraseological database (1)
phraseology (1)
pluralia tantum (1)
plWordNet (11)
podróż (1)
podróże (1)
Polish (12)
Polish press (1)
Polish-English (1)
political discourse (2)
polityka (2)
positivism in Poland (1)
post (2)
powieść (1)
powieść XIX-wieczna (1)
powieść XX-wieczna (1)
Poznań (1)
pozytywizm w Polsce (1)
presidential debates (1)
presidential debetem (1)
proper names (2)
prose (1)
proza (2)
Przegląd Wszechpolski (1)
przemówienia (1)