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events (3)
everyday topics (1)
feminism (1)
feminism feminist (1)
feminist (1)
fiction corpus (1)
focused interviews (1)
football (1)
formal register (1)
free corpus (2)
gaps and mismatches (1)
Global Wordnet Conference (1)
Greater Poland (1)
guidelines (1)
GWC (1)
hand checked (1)
history of Poland (1)
history receipes (1)
humanity categories (1)
idiom (1)
iDnes (1)
image (1)
Inference Anchoring Theory (1)
information extraction (4)
inter-lingual hyponymy (1)
International Women's Day (2)
ISO-Space (1)
Italia (1)
język polski (1)
językoznawstwo (1)
keywords (2)
knowledge base (1)
kolokacja (1)
kolokacje (1)
komentarze internetowe (1)
korpus (4)
korpus tekstowy (1)
KPWr (3)
kpwr (1)
kpwr ne schema (1)
książki (1)
L1 Polish (2)
L2 English (2)
L3 Norwegian (2)
language (4)
language abstraction (1)
large (1)
law (1)
league of women (1)
lemmatization (5)
lexical semantics (3)
lexical units with emotions (1)
lexicalisation (2)
lexicality status (1)
lexico-semantic relations (5)
lexicography (10)
lexicology (1)
linguistic (1)
linguistic landscape (1)
linguistics (2)
literary corpus (1)
literatura (1)
literature (2)
literature corpus (1)
Lithuanian (2)
local grammar (2)
lod (1)
LSTM (1)
machine learning (1)
manual verification (1)
manually annotated corpus (4)
mapping (3)
media (1)
medieval court oaths (1)
Medieval Latin (1)
message board (2)
metadane (1)
metadata (1)
metaphor (2)
Metaphor Identification Procedure (1)