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Corpus (1)
corpus (67)
Corpus of Economic News (1)
Corpus with texts (1)
Covid-19 (1)
Creative Commons (1)
CST (1)
customer-agent interactions (1)
dataset (1)
debate (1)
deep neural networks (1)
dezinformacja (1)
DiaBiZ (1)
diachronic (3)
dialog corpus (1)
dialogue annotation (1)
dictionary agnonyms (1)
digital libraries (1)
discourse analysis (1)
Discourse Dynamic Approach to Metaphor (1)
discussion forum (1)
economy (1)
ekologia informacji (1)
elections (1)
emotion recognition (1)
english sermons (1)
epic (1)
EU (1)
europarlament (1)
evaluation (1)
event (1)
event recognition (1)
events (2)
events recognition (1)
everyday topics (1)
excerption (1)
expose (2)
feminism (1)
feminism feminist (1)
feminist (1)
fiction corpus (1)
focused interviews (1)
football (1)
formal register (1)
free corpus (2)
Gauhati University (2)
GPW (1)
Greater Poland (1)
hand checked (1)
history of Poland (1)
history receipes (1)
Humanities (1)
humanity categories (1)
iDnes (1)
image (1)
Inference Anchoring Theory (1)
informacje niefinansowe (1)
infosfera (1)
International Women's Day (2)
ISO-Space (1)
Italia (1)
język polski (1)
język prawny (1)
językoznawstwo (1)
keywords (1)
kodeks (1)
komentarze internetowe (1)
korpus (3)
korpus tekstowy (1)
KPWr (3)
kpwr (1)
książki (1)
L1 Polish (2)
L2 English (2)
L3 Norwegian (2)
lalka (1)
language (4)
language model (18)
law (1)
league of women (1)
learning human representation (1)
lemmatization (3)
lexicography (1)
LFG (2)
linguistic (1)
linguistic landscape (1)
linguistics (2)
literary corpus (1)
literatura (1)
literature (52)
literature corpus (1)
Lithuanian (2)
local grammar (2)
ludzie (1)
machine learning (1)
manually annotated corpus (4)
Maria Dąbrowska (1)
media (1)
medieval court oaths (1)
Medieval Latin (1)