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alignemnt (1)
annotated corpus (9)
annotation guidelines (7)
aparat represji (1)
architecture baroque protestants (1)
argument (1)
aspect-based sentiment analysis (1)
AspectEmo (1)
ASR (1)
asr (1)
astronomy (2)
atrybuty opisów sytuacji (1)
Attributes for EVENT (1)
attributes for event (1)
audio corpus (1)
automatic error detection (1)
automatic semantic and syntactic normalization (1)
Babiš (1)
bank (1)
basic emotions (1)
benchmark dataset (1)
Benchmarks (1)
biblioteki cyfrowe (1)
big data (8)
bilingual (5)
binary (1)
blog (2)
blogi (3)
blogosfera (1)
blogosphere (1)
book (1)
books (1)
brand-product (1)
builder (1)
Bulgarian (2)
Bułhakov (1)
C-value (1)
cascade dictionary (1)
casual interviews (1)
cbow (1)
CCL (1)
champion of work (1)
chronological corpus (1)
chunking (3)
clarin (1)
classification (1)
clustering (1)
coach (1)
code-switching (1)
collocation dictionary (1)
collocations (2)
colloquial style (1)
communist propaganda (1)
comparable (1)
conjunction (1)
constituency grammar (1)
constituency parsing (6)
constitution (1)
construction (1)
consumer opinions (1)
consumer reviews (2)
content analysis (1)
contextual embeddings (1)
conversational data (1)
coreference (2)
CorpoGrabber (1)
corpora (8)
corpora annotation (6)
corpora builder (1)
Corpus (1)
corpus (67)
corpus annotation (1)
corpus creation (1)
corpus linguistics (1)
Corpus of Economic News (1)
corpus search engine (3)
Corpus with texts (1)
Covid-19 (1)
Creative Commons (1)
CST (1)