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16th century (1)
17th century (1)
19th-century novels (1)
2019 (1)
2020 (1)
20th-century novels (1)
ABSA (1)
annotated corpus (8)
annotation guidelines (7)
aparat represji (1)
architecture baroque protestants (1)
argument (1)
aspect-based sentiment analysis (1)
AspectEmo (1)
ASR (1)
Assamese Corpora (1)
Assamese Corpus (1)
Assamese CRF++ (1)
Assamese English Bilingual Dictionery (1)
Assamese Lemas (2)
Assamese Multi Word Expressions (1)
Assamese MWE (1)
Assamese Named entities (1)
Assamese NEs (1)
Assamese NLP (9)
Assamese noise words (1)
Assamese Part of Speech tagged text (1)
Assamese POS Tagged text (1)
Assamese spell variations (1)
Assamese stopwords (1)
Assamese words with multiple meanings (1)
Assamese words with multiple senses Gauhati University (1)
Assamese WSD (1)
Assamese-English (1)
astronomy (2)
Attributes for EVENT (1)
attributes for event (1)
Babiš (1)
bank (1)
basic emotions (1)
Belarusian (1)
benchmark dataset (1)
Benchmarks (1)
biblioteki cyfrowe (1)
big data (8)
bilingual (4)
binary (1)
blog (1)
blogi (3)
blogosfera (1)
blogosphere (1)
book (1)
books (1)
brand-product (1)
Bulgarian (2)
business it human specification language (1)
Bułhakov (1)
C1 essays (1)
cascade dictionary (1)
cbow (1)
champion of work (1)
chronological corpus (1)
chunking (1)
clarin (1)
coach (1)
collocations (2)
colloquial style (1)
communist propaganda (1)
conjunction (1)
constituency grammar (1)
constituency parsing (2)
constitution (1)
construction (1)
consumer opinions (1)
consumer reviews (2)
content analysis (1)
coreference (2)
corpora (6)
corpora annotation (6)
Corpus (1)
corpus (67)
corpus annotation (1)
corpus linguistics (1)
Corpus of Economic News (1)
Corpus with texts (1)
Covid-19 (1)
Creative Commons (1)
CST (1)
customer-agent interactions (1)
dataset (1)
debate (1)
dependency grammar (1)
dezinformacja (1)
DiaBiZ (1)
diachronic (3)
dialog corpus (1)
dialogue annotation (1)
dictionary (4)
dictionary agnonyms (1)
dictionary slips (1)